Many people will tell you that reporting from the courts is not easy because of the language that the lawyers use. Some will say the language used in court is Latin. This is not correct. It is about misconception with regards to what transpires in the courts. At the courts, the lawyers and the judges speak in the English Language. At times, there are unfamiliar terms used in the court but you have to remember as a journalist you have the duty to ask the lawyers or the judge or magistrate to help you with the spellings and the meaning of words. This does not happen always. In fact, it happens occasionally. This post intends to take you through the common words used in court and give the simplest meaning to them. This is to help people understand the meaning and know how to use them in their reports. 1. Plaintiff : A person who takes another person to court. The plaintiff is called the claimant. He is the one who is claiming for something before the co...
Focus on the Gambian courts and the judiciary. A platform for enlightenment. Opinion on the law will be published.